Monday, September 29, 2008

Vegan party food for a non-vegan crew...

On Friday night I hosted a small intimate gathering to celebrate my friend Murry's special day. Just a few people were coming, none of them are vegan. I struggled with the idea of making food for them that was non-vegan, I would never cook meat but I didn't know what to do about the pizza I was making. Should I do dairy on it for them and then a non-dairy pizza for me? As I stood in the grocery store mulling over my options I decided that I would serve the food I wanted and let people decided if it was something they wanted to eat.

I made a vegan pizza with a tons of veggies and nutritional yeast sprinkled on top along with hummus and carrots and my friend Sarah made a vegan split pea soup. For desert I tried my hand at vegan baking....not so great. The brownies tasted OK but looked like molten lava and smelled like carcinogens. They were definitely not the kind of yummy treat that you could cut a square of, it was more like you took a spoonful and tried not to burn off the first few layers of skin on your tongue. Over all the food was OK. I need to learn some new recipes and expand my horizons. I'm not really a "foodie" so it doesn't bother me to eat a baked potato with melted rice cheese every night.

If any of our fans have some great vegan party food recipes that they love please send em' in. We are going to start doing profiles on our "special" readers in upcoming issues of our newsletter, sort of like the "Reader Spotlight" in vegnews. So send in any tidbits you might have laying around in your head and you just might end up a winner!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Is this the end of the world?

Here in Asheville NC and the surrounding area it feels like Armageddon when trying to get gas. I don't know about other places but here if you want gas you have to wait in line for sometimes 2 hours. Cars will be backed up so bad they need the police there to direct traffic and break up fist fights. For reals people were fighting at the gas station. Cars are abandoned on the side of the highway, its pretty creepy.
This inspired me to be even more dedicated to my cause to drive as little as possible and challenge myself to find ways to get by without a car. Now I have to drive to work twice a week. I live too far to walk and I don't have a bike. I could try running to work but it would be a really long run, I think I could make it there but getting home might be another story. Luckily for me I live in a small town where I can walk to most everything. Here is an example of how I am saying FO to the oil companies......
When I got home on Tuesday my baby jogger had arrived and Teddydigital had already put it together for me (yay)! So yesterday after Sadie's nap I planned out what errands I needed to run. I put the baby in the running stroller and headed out. First we walked to the movie place and returned a movie and got a new movie. Then we walked over to the gas station to see if there was a long line for gas (just out of curiosity) and of course there was. By the way this is the universe's way of punishing all those people who don't care about our environment and drive SUVs. Now all the SUV people have to wait on the gas lines every few days because most places have a $40 limit on gas. Not to mention how much gas costs now. Anyway, so after that I picked up the pace and I did my run while pushing the baby. We ran for 45 minutes and then we walked over to the pharmacy so I could pick up something and then instead of just heading home we walked around town. It was a lot of fun. I did not drive the car once. Another thing I have been doing is reliving my days of living in NYC when it comes to getting groceries. Instead of doing a huge trip once a week I have been walking over to the store every day or so and just getting the things we need for that day. Its actually very nice and very enjoyable. Since the gas crisis I have been spending more time outside getting fresh air and exercise and I think its really improving the quality of my life.
Please, if you want to share your story about how you are adapting to the gas crisis or just how you are trying to change your habits to help the environment please post it in the comments and I will put it in the blog!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Crispy Cat Candy Bars go to Hollywood!

Guess where the front man and fearless leader of Crispy Cat was this weekend? the Emmys! That's right Joel Schantz founder and CEO of Crispy Cat went to the Emmys and rubbed elbows with a ton of clebs including Ben from Lost. Joel is not a Lost fan but Eric and I are so we were super excited to hear about that. We are currently waiting for the disk with all the pictures but when it comes in Stu and I are going to put up the pics for everyone to see! Apparently all the beautiful people in Hollywood love Crispy Cats just as much as the rest of us. Don't worry Asheville we will always love our tried and true hippie fans here at home, after all you are the ones that made us the hot shots that we are today! So check back to see all the pictures of the beautiful models and actresses lovin' on Joel.

On another note we here at Crispy Cat are interested to know how you are finding creative ways to have fun while saving gas. I keep seeing things about people organizing stay at home weeks and other stuff like that and I am curious to know what the creative and eco-aware Crispy Cat fans do. I know you guys do something so what the heck is it?...I'm running out of ideas for stuff to do on the days I am not a work! Just post it in the comments section and I will put it into the blog!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A green tip for the bored stay at home Mom...

At the moment I am only working 2 days a week. This gives me 5 full, glorious days to stay at home and do my other job...mothering Sadie! While being a Mom is the best thing I have ever done I will admit that sometimes I get stir crazy being at home all day. Here is where I get into a I hang out around the house all day and avoid driving because gas is so expensive? or do I waste gas and go somewhere just to go somewhere? It is a very hard call because I hate nothing more than wastefulness, it is a serious pet peeve of mine. And now we are in a gas crisis because of hurricane Ike. We could not even get gas last week and it cost a fortune when I did get it. But what is a Mom to do? Well necessity is the mother of all invention as they say and so I decided that I was going to figure out fun things to do that did not involve driving and therefore help to free myself from my gas dependence. Here is what I did.......

While Sadie napped I got her stroller ready and then hung her cloth diapers out on the line. By the way nothing is worse than disposable diapers when it comes to waste. I use cloth 90% of the time, I will admit that I use one or two disposables at night. After she woke up and ate and got changed I popped her into her stroller and we set out. I needed to pay the water bill so instead of driving to the town hall or wasting the stamp we walked. It only took us 15 minuets to get to town and I noticed that Sadie did not make a peep the entire way, she just sat mesmerized by everything she was seeing. She is just now big enough to sit in the stroller without the car seat so instead of having to look just at me she can see the whole world. After we paid the water bill I decided that we were having too much fun to go home so we walked to the other side of town to take care of some errands we had to run. Along the way we stopped and chatted with a girl that wanted to say hi to Sadie and then we bumped into an old friend near the supermarket and we chatted with her for awhile. Then we ran some errands and set back to our house which was a good distance away, but we were totally enjoying being out and all the fresh air so we didn't mind. When we got to our street I noticed that my neighbor was out with her 6 month old and so I stopped at her house and chatted with her. Funny how she lives down the street and we have kids around the same age and we never stop and talk! But because I was walking we were able to connect. By the time I got home we had been out having fun and interacting with people and getting exercise and fresh air for over 2 hours! All without contributing to the thrashing of our environment or our bank account! Amazing!
That night I got to thinking about other ways that we can spend our day with out being cooped up and without hurting our environment. I decided to take the plunge and invest in a running stroller. I figure that instead of driving 20 minutes to the gym to have the daycare watch Sadie while I work out I could get a jogger and we can run together. Now, I didn't cancel my membership because there will be rainy days and freezing cold days too where we will need to get out. Even though the jogging stroller was sort of pricey I think in the long run it is a worthwhile investment. It cuts down on having to use my treadmill or drive to the gym or use workout DVDs that involve using the TV and best of all it is a way for us to have family time because now Teddydigital and I can run together instead of taking turns with watching the baby!
If you are a mom and you have tips for fun and earth friendly ways to spend the days please let me know we will put them in the next blog!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Animal groups We Love!!!

Farm Sanctuary is one of my personal favorites when it comes to animal organizations. Over the years we have donated a lot of product to various events that they have held to help farm animals in need.
One of the best things about them is that they do a lot of education. So in keeping with the theme that being vegan is a snap I want to share a resource that makes it that much easier. First off Farm Sanctuary has a guide to compassionate living and we are featured in it along with many other companies that make vegan food, clothing and other products. It is a great resource to find alternatives for all the stuff you can't live without.
They all so have a website and that will take you step by step through all the ins and outs of making a transition to vegetarianism or veganism lifestyle. It is very gentle and helpful and has a ton of information all in one easy to access and organized place. If you're curious about Farm Sanctuary and what they do you can check out their website and if you are in the Watkins Glen area you can even take a tour and see all the animals that they have rescued and given a second chance to live a peaceful life!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Being vegan is a snap!

I'm back!! After a long and wonderful maternity leave I am back in the office a few days a week! So now I am back and ready to entertain and educate the masses on green living, animal issues and all that other good stuff that we here at Crispy Cat really care about!

One of the things that we here at Crispy Cat really want to express is that being vegan is so much eaiser than you might think...really, being vegan is a snap!! I had no problem giving up meat, I always thought it was disgusting and I always thought it tasted like it looks...nasty! But dairy was another issue all together, I was totally addicted to cheese. I really felt guilty though eating cheese and not being a vegan because I love animals so freaking much and I felt heartsick over the idea that I was contributing to the suffering of animals. Then the best thing ever happened to me...I found out that my daughter is allerigc to dairy. Since I breastfeed the doctor told me to cut out all dairy and because I would do anything for Sadie I immediately did. It was not even a question for me, I just did it and at first I did miss cheese and I craved it. But after a little while it just went away. I would say that by the time 2 weeks had passed I never even thought about it. Now it's been months and I don't miss it at all, in fact I feel better than ever. For the first time my digestion is great, perfect even and I almost never feel bloated. I heard somewhere that it takes 3 weeks for your taste buds to forget the way something tastes and I have found that to be true. Plus there are so many different and tasty things to eat instead. And that brings me to my next point...we here want to show anyone who might be struggling to make the leap just how easy and painless it can be. I am going to showcase vegans that we love and vegan recipes and all sorts of other good stuff, and to our Celiac people don't worry I have not forgotten you we will also bring you some gluten-free tidbits as well.
If you have a great story about going vegan let me know and we will put you in the blog and perhaps even in the newsletter!