Thursday, October 23, 2008

LEAF Trade show and other stuff.

I love what Stu has done to the blog. He is so artsy and cleaver. But he refuses to redo my hair in the short style that I have it in now. Just for the record I got a "Rosemary's baby" inspired do and ditched my high maintenance long hair. And Stu refuses to acknowledge it by re-drawing my hair. Whatever Stu.

Lets get down to business. LEAF. It was just here last weekend. In case you aren't a local, LEAF stands for the Lake Eden Arts Festive and it is one HUGE hippy gathering. We have a booth both in the fall and spring and I usually end up working some of it. This year I took my close personal friend Sadie with me. She was a hit with all the crunchy, stinky people walking around! Let me just say for the record that I have lived in a lot of places and I love living here with all the stinky, crunchy people the best. So no offense if you have dirty hair and bedraggled clothing, I love and enjoy you. Anyway LEAF was LEAF. Danny Dryer the author of Chi Running was there and that was totally exciting for me. That book totally changed the way I run, if your into running or you want to run but think you can't because it hurts your knees check it out. Danny Dryer now lives here in Asheville and is having a Chi Running workshop on November 1st.

Also the guys just came back from trade show. I went last year and it was so much fun. This year it was in Boston. I was jealous I couldn't go but I don't think I could have done much with the baby dangling off my hip. But according to Eric and Joel they had a lot of fun and even had an adventurous cab ride that I am not allowed to blog about because according to Eric its "inappropriate". Wow when did things become inappropriate around here? The times they are a changing. For reals.
According to Joel people from all over the world are interested in Crispy Cat. Well I'm not surprised we are awesome. Not to mention that if you can't eat gluten or dairy it is the only candy bar on the market. True there are flat chocolate bars but nothing like a real candy bar.
If you don't believe me just look for yourself the next time you are at your local health food store. Don't forget, if your local store doesn't carry us you can always request them too and if you post a store you want me to send samples too in the comments section I will do my best to get them to carry us! I am quite a convincing sales person if I do say so myself. In the past people have done that and I have been able to get Crispy Cats in their area!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Cheap shoes and a no effort pumpkin patch!

I was just revisiting some of the old posts in the .Its interesting to see how much life changes in the course of a year. Enough reminiscing, that was then and this is now time to move on.

So I went to Target and found that shopping for vegan shoes can be a lot cheaper than buying leather. I know on line you can find fancy expensive vegan shoes but you can also just go to Target or Payless and not feel like a cheep ass for doing it. Before I would be embarrassed if I got shoes at Payless, like I was admitting I am poor and don't have great taste. But now I feel self satisfied and smug, superior even saying I buy my shoes at Target and Payless because they're vegan. The truth is it is awesome to get a pair of shoes for $10 (they were on sale). I also like it because it saves me time by having less choices. Less to look at, less to think about and less to choose from. Much easier than having to mull over a ton of different shoes and then feel like a jerk for paying too much for a pair of shoes.

Halloween is coming and I want to give a little tip on how to grow a pumpkin patch with little to no effort.
Last year I got a white pumpkin and I put it on the stone wall in front of my house. It was so pretty and festive and I felt really good about it when I would come home and see it sitting there. After Halloween came and went and it survived Halloween night I just forgot about it. Then Ted noticed that it was rotting on the wall. I continued to ignore it. It rotted further and still I pretended not to see it. Eventually when it was half gone I slam dunked it by the garbage can on trash day. The garbage man refused to pick it up so it just rotted and composted by my mailbox. last year it looked like a very lazy person lived at my house, this year it looks like a PUMPKIN PATCH under my mailbox. That's right we have a real pumpkin patch growing by the mailbox complete with a white pumpkin. I love that pumpkin patch so much and I check on the pumpkin everyday! So this year just chuck your pumpkin where ever you want to have pumpkins and then ignore it and by next year you can brag to everyone you know about your awesome pumpkin patch!