Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pass the salt please

Secrets secrets there no fun they hurt someone...they hurt someone.
When I was a senior in high school my friend Garrett sang that little song to me as I whispered something to a girlfriend that I refused to share with him. That was 14 years ago and I have never forgotten it. I think there is a real truth to that little song. People do get hurt by secreats, even when you are all grown up and out of high school. I think if you are doing something and you feel it needs to be a secret than perhaps you ought to check your self. I know this sounds vague and stupid but . Lets just say that someones secret ended up hurting my feelings yesterday.
However what I learned from my experience of being excluded was that it is so important for me to be as inclusive as I can be. There is more than enough attention, energy, love and friendship to go around so I never need to feel like I have to hoard anything. You know I may not be some hippie-dippy new age-er but I have a really good sense of connectedness to other women and I love other women and always want to support my girl friends. When it comes to having a good time everyone is always welcome, less is never more in my book.
OK enough of that crap...totally boring lets move on.

My baby shower was on Sunday and it was really great! All of the people I care about were there and we ate a lot of food and hung out and it was a lot of fun! The best part was when I got the surprise of a life time from Murry, Sarah and Morgan. They got together and got me an Ergo carrier with the newborn insert! I could not believe it because I never even registered for it because it was expensive and I had already put money aside for it. I would never expect my friends to buy me something so expensive. It was a wonderful and exciting gift!! I think I am going to put the money that I was going to spend on the carrier towards a better jogging stroller.

Lets talk about being "bloated"
Before I was pregnant I used to always say "I'm bloated"
Anytime I felt fat I would moan about being bloated. The irony of is that I had no idea what really being bloated was like. I didn't know water retention like I know it now. I was in such great shape and so thin and i thought I was fat all the time. Note to self: In the future when not pregnant and back in shape appreciate body and not complain about phantom bloating.
I never appreciated how thin I was or anything else about my body and now its gone. Well when it comes back I promise not to hate on it
To paint a picture for you about my bloating I will just say that none of my shoes fit. None. I had to go out and buy a pair of Crocks. Yes, crocks...so bad and stupid but the only thing my feet can fit into. I had to wear Crocks to the gym this morning to work out in because not only is tying my running shoes hard but they are too tight now. By the end of the day my feet look like two sponges that are filled with water and have Vienna sausages tied on the ends. Forget about my wedding ring, those are just a memory to me now. I walk around ring-less in the bible belt hoping Christians are looking at my empty left ring finger and thinking I am carrying a bastard child or something.
Don't get me wrong being pregnant has been the coolest thing I have ever done. I never knew what this body could do and now I know. It can make a whole person all on its own with out my interference and then it can feed that person too!! That is pretty impressive if you ask me.
I just want to go on record saying that being a woman is awesome, I am so glad I was born with a vag and not a peeps. (that is vagina and penis for those who choose to use the anatomically correct names)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Baby Contest = Free Candy!!

Yesterday Stu sent out an email announcing the contest we are running here at Crispy Cat headquarters. And we got a lot of responses, I am really into some of the guess that you people had for due dates. Mainly because some are early May and I am so ready to have this baby. I figure if I just go 2 more weeks I will be full term and then the baby should be all set to go and we can do this thing!
I thought since the original post with all the info about the contest is old I would re post the clues that I gave for guesses.

I have 2 due dates one is May 25th and one is May 30th. I have 2 because the baby was measuring a little big at my 8 week ultrasound so they thought I might be more pregnant than I thought.

I am 5'2 and my husband (Teddydigital) is 6'4

I was a small little baby born late and he was a big baby!

I don't have any sisters so I don't know if I have a family tendency to go early or late. My mother was late with me and 3 weeks early with my brother.

That is all the info that I have to offer that might be helpful with clues and guesses.

Good Luck!

I am also sad to report that I have not been able to run for a week. I have been going to the gym and using the elliptical and the cross trainer but that is a much as I can do. I have definitely been missing my morning runs with Otto and I know Otto is missing them too. He just has to settle for plain old walks now with the other dogs. By the way I had a grooming debacle with Otto the other day. I always groom him myself and I wanted to give him a summer cut because he is so freaking hairy and so because I forget that at 35 weeks pregnant things are harder I set out to shave him in the back yard.
Otto is afraid of the clipper noise so he just lay on his side traumatized by the buzzing noise while I shaved one whole side of him. Really he was being very good and the shaving part was easy. Then I turn off the clippers and roll him onto his other side. Thinking to myself this entire time how easy this is and how I can't believe that Teddydigital thought I couldn't do it and wanted me to take him to a groomer. Well, I go to turn the clippers back on and they won't for some reason go through his hair. I kept trying and trying but they would not do it. I don't know if I dulled the blade by shaving a dirty dog or what but the bottom line was that they were not working. Finally I had to give up. Poor Otto he now has the worlds worst hair cut, totally shaved on one side and all hairy on the other. If you look at him standing and you just look at one side he looks fine. I feel like I am abusing him by making him walk around like that, but when I called the groomers they did not have anything open for 2 weeks. I think this weekend I am going to borrow my Mothers horse clippers and shave him. Poor guy.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

World Week For Animals in Labratorys

April 20-26 is world week for animals in labs. What this means to me is that I need to make sure that I am doing what I can to help ease the suffering of animals that are being tortured in labs and make sure I am not indirectly contributing to their suffering.
How can a person help? Well the first thing is to recommit to not buying any products that are tested on animals and this includes products that have ingredients that are tested on animals as well as the finished product themselves. For example some shampoos will claim not to test on animals but will have ingredients in them that are. So technically they don't test but in reality they do. The worst of the worst is Procter and Gamble. If a person can just avoid those products it would make a huge difference. Sometimes its hard to know what is P&G and what is not with Procter and Gamble they make so many things. The best thing to do is go on to P.E.T.A 's website and go to the compassionate living guide to see all the things that Procter and Gamble make, its a lot.

I won't go into the gory details of animal testing because if you read this blog you probably already know what they do. But if you need a little extra convincing or motivation check out the Huntingdon life Science laboratory. Honestly, if I get into what happens at that place I will be distraught all day and probably start crying at my desk. When ALF Support became our myspace friend the the things that are on their page were truly some of the worst things I have ever seen. Their whole page is about Huntingdon Life Sciences and the kind of suffering that happens there. The things that they do to dogs and cats, monkeys,bunnys and rats, once you see the pictures they will haunt you forever. I saw some images on that myspace page that if I think about them I start to cry. I just feel so grateful that there are people out there that are so brave that they go into those labs and rescue the animals there.

P.E.T.A's website is the best place to get information on what is safe to buy and what is not.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The neurotic corner

This is the last time I am going to write about this topic. I know I am a freak when it comes to this area of my life so I am just going to share one more story about the topic of MY WEIGHT!!!(insert dramatic music here)

I have a friend that moved away to Florida a few months after I got married. When I got married my weight was some where around 105 to 108 lbs. I was in good shape and I was running a lot and doings some weight lifting as well. Ok fine that being said that was how I looked the last time he saw me. So I see him the other day and now at 35 weeks pregnant I look a lot different. I will not go into how much I currently weight because that is just to scary but lets just say that I am considerable bigger. Everyone else that knows me has seen me gradually get bigger and bigger. But Matt (yeah I said your name MATT) has not so to him I guess it was a big shock. He looks at me and says "WOW I almost didn't recognize you when I walked into the room....aww don't worry you'll get it all back!" all this in his heavy southern accent.

I know it doesn't sound like a lot but really....you'll get it all back???? I didn't recognize you??
Well....thanks for hiding your shock so well Matt. I got into the car and immediately started obsessing to Teddydigital about my weight. When I got home I continued my interrogation about the way I looked.... was I that huge that I looked like an entirely different person? Was I some sort of freakish beast like big foot, or small foot as the cases would be for me. A rotund weeble?
Teddydigital fared the storm well, he simple said that last time Matt saw me I was in tip top shape and that I looked beautiful now and that as my belly has gotten bigger I actually look slimmer everywhere Else.Now, he may have been lying about me looking slimmer every where else but it still was nice to hear. He knows that with me flattery will get you everywhere.

So I am over that now but I just wanted to add that to the other stories I have of people just saying whatever comes into their head regardless of how rude it is. Again proving the point that for some unknown reason pregnant women are not granted the same social politeness that other people are when it comes to people remarking on the way her body looks.

Whatever I have bigger problems than that right now anyway, like what I am going to do when I finish watching all the back seasons of the Sopranos. And if I can make it to see the Sex in the City movie before I give birth.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Baby Contest update

Thanks to all the people who have been submitting their guesses for the chance to win up to 3 cases of Crispy Cats. Most people have been submitting their guesses to ann@crispycatcandybars.com some people have been putting them in the comments section of the blog, even though I said that was OK I think its better to send the email b/c if you win we can get in touch with you faster AND all your personal info is not all out there for every cyber creep to see.
That being said I am so happy that we have so much participation in our contest!
In other Crispy Cat news as of next week I will be going part time.
I will be here in the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10-5.
I plan on just working until I burst. I mean why not right? Being at work is similar to being at home in that I consider the people I work with like family. Except here I have to sit a lot more and that is where the problem arises for me. Sitting all day is so painful and then my feet get all swollen and gross. Not to mention my lack of concentration and focus and all the frequent bathroom breaks.
Anyway my friend Jessica had her baby last night! Its a little boy! The ultrasound said girl and then when he poped out......boy.
Congratulations to Jess and Andrew!

Friday, April 18, 2008

What pregnant ladies and Tony Soprano have in common

Just a quick reminder...we still have our contest going to win free Crispy Cats!! All you have to do is guess the day you think my baby will be born and you can win a case of Crispy Cats. If you guess the height and weight you can win 2 more cases! For more details scroll down a few posts and you will see where to click to submit your guess and to see my 2 due dates and all that stuff.

Even though I hate to admit it, I love the Sopranos. I am really addicted and since I have been doing a lot of resting at night I find myself at Blockbuster renting season after season. Since Teddydigital works nights I have the T.V. all to myself so I am free to watch whatever I want, I would rather have Teddydigital at home but since you can't have it all I'll take Tony Soprano.
I know that I should be offend by the violence and the misogynistic behavior and the depiction of all Italians as mobsters and sociopath killers, but I just can't help but watch. And the fact that Tony loves animals and even killed a man over the fact that he suspected he killed Tony's beloved horse doesn't help with my addiction. I mean if someone killed one of my animal companions I would want to seriously mame them but because I don't go around maming people I won't. But Tony dose go around maiming people and what better people to mame and kill than people who hurt and abuse animals. Again, I am not saying violence solves problems but I am saying that it dose feel good to see a man who killed an innocent horse get his brains bashed in, should I not even be writing this? Am I too a sick and twisted person? Well I think I can speak for many animal lovers when I say that there have been times when I have seen animal abuse and even though I did not cause bodily harm to anyone I certainly fantasied about it. Anyway that is why we have T.V. shows.

Last night I was laying on my couch watching episodes from the 4th season and getting the worst cravings for all the food I was seeing. Especial all the delicious Italian pastries that I loved and ate as a kid. Those white boxes with the little red and white strings holding them closed were driving me nuts. It was making me think of my Grandmother who would go on to central ave in Yonkers and go to the latachine to pick up lunch and then head to the bakery to pick up desert.
So I called the person who I thought would be able to understand, my mother. My mother, being Italian is familiar with all those delicious treats and since there is no where in North Carolina that you can get that sort of food I felt safe talking about it because I knew I was not in danger of running out and buying a bunch of pastries and shoving them in my face.

Ok this was not the point of this story. The point of even bring up that show in the first place was to mention all the things in common that Tony Soprano and pregnant woman have in common.
Now I can't speak for all pregnant ladies so I will just stick to myself.......

#1 Both Tony Soprano and pregnant ladies have huge bellys, this is the obvious one

#2 Both tend to breath heavy even when not really excert themselves i.e. eating and standing still. For example I was eating dinner and found myself breathing like I had just ran for the phone or something. God, I felt like a whale at that point. I mean breathing heavy while eating!
Another example was I was on the phone with my brother and I had just walked up the stairs and was out of breath and he wanted to know if I was working out.

#3 Insane mood swings and a tendency to want to become violent out of no where. For example I was at the gym and the parking lot was crowed and I was waiting for a man to pull out of his spot so I could take it, well some old man comes along and he pauses as if he is going to try and take the spot. I just looked at him and shook my head, he was smart and moved his old ass along. I seriously became enraged thinking about him trying to steal my spot. Normally this would not have been so dramatic, but because I was so sleep deprived and hormonal I wanted to kick his ass just for looking at my spot. I know, I am illin'

Those are just a few examples I am sure I could go on but I have lost interest in this subject.
Don't forget to submit your guess to win up to 3 cases of Crispy Cats, the worlds first organic candy bar!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Give it up for Mike who dose the right thing

I would like to give a shout out to my Father Mike for being a good human and an animal lover.
My Dad lives out in the country here in North Carolina. He lives with my Mother Mary and 3 dogs, Jiggs, Sparky and Tess and 2 horses Showtime and Double Dot and soon 2 donkeys and 2 kittens.

Yesterday my Father was driving down his road with a young man that works on his property when a small Shiz tuz ran out of the tall grass and into the road. Despite his best efforts he ended up hitting this little guy with his truck. So Mike pulls over and and finds this poor little pup in bad shape, his little jaw was broken. Mike picked him up and rushed him to the vet. Let me take a moment to mention that the young man in the car noted that most people who live out there would have just left the dog to die, I find this disturbing but I know its true because I have seen dogs dead on the road out there before. Anyway, Mike takes him to the vet where he has to have 2 operations for his broken jaw and it ran him around $700 bucks.

Then Mike finds the owner. She is a gal who is pregnant and has 2 small kids and lives in a trailer. She claims that she was going to put him on his lead but she felt to sick so she just let him run loose. This pups name by the way is Wicket, how cute. Out in the country people let their dogs run loose all the time and it is the stupidest thing you can do. Besides cars killing them there are other animals to consider. Dogs who are chained up, and by the way I don't believe in chaining a dog all day and night either get attacked and fight with loose dogs. Anyway the lady said she could not pay the bill and that was fine with Mike because he was the one who hit Wicket with his truck. However I can't help but think this was an avoidable tragedy but I won't even go there because all that matters is that Wicket is OK and he got all the medical treatment he needed.

I could go on a really long tirade about how "mountain culture" needs to evolve with the rest of the world when it comes to animals but I just don't have the energy today. Nor do I think the rest of the world is really all that evolves when it comes to animals. I find it really disgraceful how I have seen dogs treated here in Western North Carolina it makes me really sick. I just keep praying for all the animals here and all over the world that some day people will stop abusing and mistreating them and recognize the beautiful little creatures that they are. Dogs don't deserve to live their entire lives outside on chains or in kennels all alone.
One would think that everyone knows that but I guess not.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I am slowing down

As much as I don't want to admit it, I am slowing down. I thought that I might be the rare exception to the rule, that I might be the one and only pregnant lady not to have to slow down at the end of her pregnancy but at 34 weeks, I feel slow.

I'm used to having a lot of energy, I'm used to being able to do physically anything I want, I'm used to being thin and fit. I never used to watch T.V. during the day on the weekends! I would even think of laying on the couch in my PJ's ALL DAY watching episode after episode of the Sopranos, and still finding myself tired at the end of it all. As I write these words I feel the shame of being a daytime weekend T.V. watcher. Yes I am going to admit that I love the Sopranos and I love Big love and the L word and Sex in the City and that since I have rolled into this last trimester I have spent a lot of time renting and watching these shows.

It was only this week that exercise has seemed like the hardest nightmare ever. And this is coming from a true exercise lover. I have to force myself to exercise, but I still do it. The thought of being totally sedentary is to much to bear. Even if I do my exercise and then put my PJs back on and watch T.V the rest of the day at least I have done something remotely reminiscent of my former active self. I guess I should give myself more credit, I think I probably do more intentional exercise daily than most Americans. Anyway that is not the point...the point is that I have to surrender to the fact that this little lady that is living in me is calling the shots and probably will for many years to come. For a control freak like me this has been a tough but as the days fly by I am getting more and more excited for my new life. Change is always scary but this just might be the most exciting change I have ever experienced. Besides I can't wait to be a Mom. I have to savor these precious moments that I spend on the couch with Tony Soprano and Bette and Tina and Carrie Bradshaw and all 3 of Bills wives because soon I won't have time for them. They just won't be important anymore. My new concerns will not be if the Feds are watching Tony or of Mr. Big and Carrie get back together (even though we know they do) or if Nikki can stop using her credit card before she drives her family into complete finical ruins. I will be more concerned with sore nipples and how to get shit stains out of cloth diapers.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Just say NO to Drew Barrymore

This morning I was at the gym on the elliptical, it was a nightmare and I was hating every second of it. So I am just there doing it and telling myself I am being healthy and doing whats good for me and the baby and reminding myself that I am going to be sitting all day so enjoy the momvement.....anyway......I look over and there it is. I see in some magazine that someone has propped up on their machine a cover girl ad and the model in this Cover Girl ad is Drew Barrymore! SICK! ILL! HOW COULD SHE???

Cover Girl is owned by Procter and Gamble and we all know the horror show of animal abuse P&G is responsible for. They are one of if not the WORST when it comes to animal testing!!! They make monkeys drink Tide and throw chemicals on beagles and kill and torture droves of helpless animal, including but not limited to cats/kittens, dogs/puppies, bunnys, mice, rats and monkeys!!! What the eff Drew? Drew Barrymore just got all kinds of props for donating a ton of money to some charity for kids and everyone thinks she is some sort of saint now. Well here's a heads up...she freaking LOADED she should be donating to charity, but Drew what about our animal friends? Surely a gal like Drew who claims to be a huge animal lover knows about the evil doings of P&G? She loves to be photographed with her two dogs and loves to say how she rescued them, well I wonder if she would mind if Cover Girl stuck a mascara wand in their eyes or made them eat the chemicals that they produce their crappy cheep make-up with? I guess Drew only cares about her dogs, I suppose the suffering of dogs who aren't so blessed as Flossy don't deserve a life free from abuse and pain. Only Drew's dogs get to sleep in a warm bed instead of a cold cage and only her dogs can eat treats from some over priced dog boutique in L.A other dogs have to eat chemicals and poison.
My point is this, celebrities who involve themselves with company's like P&G are just as bad as P&G themselves. They just look pretty, on the outside that is. However we don't have to support these 2 faced celebrities we can boycott their movies and the products they endorse and spread the word about them.

If you want to learn more about P&G go to the PETA website and learn all about them. Unless you are some sort of heartless creep you won't want to buy anything they make, and they make a lot of stuff.

That is my animal rights speech for the day. Thank you and goodnight.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Decaf is bad

I have been drinking decaf and it is not very good. I quit coffee cold turkey about 8 months ago and didn't even start with decaf until about Christmas time when I felt I could not go on with out at least tasting a coffee bean. So here I sit with some crappy decaf, all for the love of my unborn baby. I guess sacrifice is the name of the game when you become a Mom so I better get used to it.

As great as yesterdays run was todays run was the exact opposite. Yesterday I felt so awesome and so inspired and I was being inspirational to others and it almost felt like running before I was pregnant. Today I felt every extra pound and the baby was squashing my bladder the whole time, I just wanted to lay down in the grass and die. Thank God Teddydigital came with me to help get me motivated and to keep me company. He almost didn't come, claimed his ankle was swollen from a 4 hour trail run he did a few days ago. I tried to be understanding. I did a bad job. Eventually I think he felt bad and decided to take one for the team and he got out of bed and put on his shorts. Its hard to have any excuse not to go running when your wife is 33 weeks pregnant and standing there stuffed into running tights that she wore when she was 105 lbs and now weighs a jillion pounds and the tights are ready to just pop off her swollen body. So we ran and it was hard but having Teddydigital there to cheer me on made all the difference. After this morning I have no doubts that he will be a great birthing partner.

In other Crispy Cat news Eric is out in Seattle at a Veg fest pretending to be hard at work when really I know he is just drinking coffee and hitting on the ladies. That's Ok we are having fun at the office too. Well not really but we are trying.
That is all I have for now have a good weekend and don't forget to enter our contest to win free Crispy Cats!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Theres no crying at work.....yes there is

Lately I have been crying at work. I really can't help it, I have like 10 zillion hormones flooding my system at all times and stuff just makes me cry.

Things that are little seem big..sort of like when you have P.M.S and things feel crazy but you tell yourself, oh this is PMS this is not real it's just PMS. But when its been like that for 33 weeks in a row I think a gal starts to lose perspective of what is real and what is not. I mean after awhile the line between hormonal and straight up crazy gets kinda fuzzy.

Something that would make me cry pregnant or not was a youtube video that was sent to me in a myspace bulletin. It was titled can you find a pure bread dog in a shelter? Now, I know better than to fall for the old its gonna be a cute movie about all the cute dogs in a shelter. No this is going to be some really sad stuff and guess what? It was some seriously sad shit. It was all about the dogs that have to be put down in the shelters and it was euthanasia techs talking about how they do what they do and they showed all these cute lovable dogs who were about to be put to sleep. I just burst out crying at my desk. I mean they should show that movie to the people who drop off there dogs at the shelter. All I could think about was Otto and how he almost went to the shelter, I could just see his sweet trusting face behind those bars, just wondering what he ever did. That dog is so freaking loving and gentle. My God, his previous owners were horrible abusive rednecks that threw him away like trash and treated him even worse when they had him. When I found the creeps who dumped him they never once said thanks for shaving all the dreads off our dog and taking him to the vet and taking care of him and bathing him, they just grabbed him up and dragged him off to there shitty truck. Otto dug his feet in and tried to resist but they threw him in the truck. Well the long and short of that story is that he kept running away and eventually Ted and I just took him. The nasty owner people just said keep him. Otto is a beautiful pure bread Golden Retriever and a nice boy to boot.

So that is why I was crying at work today. But it was just for a few minutes I forced myself to stop because the other day I cried a river at work and I figure that I can't have too many crying spells in any given week.

One more interesting thing to note....Stu claims that running is bad for you and will give you "jumble guts". He thinks anyone who runs is crazy and looking for knee and joint problems. Well whatever Stu no one cares what you think about running..even if you did go to Harvard! I was out running this morning with Teddydigital and Otto and a lady with a minivan full of kids leaned out her window and said "WOW good for you, you're inspirational"
It was pretty cool and it inspired me to keep up with my attempts at running. I told myself that I don't have to run until I go into labor but who knows maybe I will after all!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Its not nice to stare.

More interesting things that happen when you are pregnant and standing naked in a semi-public place.
By semi-public I mean the locker room at the gym. It's not like I am naked in the middle of downtown or anything but the locker room is not exactly private either.
Grown women who probably have manners are blowing my mind with there lack of restraint when it comes to staring and commenting. I have no choice by the way other than to be naked when I change after my shower. I can't wrap a towel around my waist and slip on my underwear or slyly get my bra and shirt on with just a few seconds of boob showing. No, when you are 33 weeks pregnant putting on underwear feels like a scary balancing act that takes concentration and focus and dedication. So I am open to be viewed in the most unflattering light ever and in the most unflattering positions ever. Struggling to get dressed as fast as possible with out tipping over or hurting myself. By the way the light in the locker room is so bad, I look like I have gobs of cellulite AND I feel the lights make me look trollish or like a midget with insane bloating.

This is a blow by blow of one conversation.

Strange Lady: (after much staring) My you are big. Very big. You must be having that baby soon.
Me: I'm only 33 weeks.
Strange Lady: Well you sure are big.....ummmm....big.
Me: Yeah, I guess so.
Strange Lady: Well do you know what you are having?
Me: A girl
Strange Lady: Well your life is about to change! (then she laughs and walks away)

Another lady just keep drilling me about working out after the baby comes. Of course she prefaced the conversation with mentioning how big I am and how I must be having the baby soon. This lady wanted to know if I was going to work out till the end and what I was going to do after the baby arrives, am I still going to work out?? She was more obsessed with my exercise habits than I am.

Of course I know that people don't mean to be so ill and annoying and I know that I am more easily annoyed now than before. But seriously would people like it if I stood around the locker room after I have my baby and am back with a killer body pointing out to complete strangers how big they are or noticing other things about their body?

My fave is when people say don't worry you'll lose the weight after the baby comes. Now when I am wearing my clothes and obsessing to a friend or family member I like to hear this, when I am naked with a complete strange surveying my body, not so much.

Anyway don't forget about the contest we are having, you can win a bunch of free cases of Crispy Cats just for guessing on the baby's due date and height and weight. Just scroll down a few blogs for the details!

Friday, April 4, 2008

The pregnant guy.

I am sure everyone has heard about this "man" that is pregnant.
I say man meaning that he underwent a sex change to get rid of his breasts and to take testosterone to get all manly. Yet left his reproductive organs in place because he said he knew he would want to have a baby someday.
OK here is my problem with this situation.

1. If a person feels they were born into the wrong gender than fine go get a sex change. I get that some people identify with a gender other than the one they were born into. I have no problem with someone being transgender.

2. However, if you feel like a man, well than your a man and men don't have the parts to have a baby. If you have the parts to have a baby than you are not a man with a uterus you are a lady with a beard.

3. Personal I do not want men to start having babies. This is not something that should get really trendy. One of the special things about being a woman is being able to make a baby.
Don't men have enough already in this world. Can't some things just be sacred and special for us ladies. Why do men want a piece of all of our action.

The good news is that regular guys can't do this. Only guys that used to be girls can do this and the good news is that most ladies that become men don't want to have babies because they feel like men and most men don't want to have a baby. Of course I am only speculating on all this. I have no idea what happens in other peoples heads. I think I am just annoyed by all the media hype that a man is pregnant. Its not like a person who was born a man got pregnant. This is not like that movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger when he gets pregnant. This is just one of those situations that makes a great headline but is really sort of stupid when you look at it.
From far away it looks like ...Wow a dude is pregnant! Up close it looks like...Oh a lady that turned into a guy but left her womb is pregnant, and instead of looking like a beautiful glowing pregnant lady she just looks like a bloated frat guy or a dude with a drinking problem gross.

Anyway that is my 2 cents on all this silliness. I think Oprah should have me on her show. I can show her my stretch marks and hemorrhoids.

A chance to get free Crispy Cats.

Joel had a pretty good idea the other day. He suggested that we have a little contest. What sort of contest you might ask? Well the sort of contest where you guess what day I am having this baby and the height and weight. For every correct answer you give you get a free case of Crispy Cats. I don't think you have to be dead on to win, especial if no one is dead on. I think it has to be the person with the closet guess. So this means that you stand to win up to 3 free cases of product. So if you want to play than you can either post your guess in the comments section or you can email me at ann@crispycatcandybars.com
Here are a few hints.....
I have 2 due dates and one is May 25 and one is May 30.
Also as far as my height and Teddydigitals height is concerned I am 5'2 and he is 6"4.
Ok, so if you want to win some free candy than this is your chance. Especial all you people out there who keep emailing me wanting me to send you free samples, now you can get your free candy damm it!