Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pass the salt please

Secrets secrets there no fun they hurt someone...they hurt someone.
When I was a senior in high school my friend Garrett sang that little song to me as I whispered something to a girlfriend that I refused to share with him. That was 14 years ago and I have never forgotten it. I think there is a real truth to that little song. People do get hurt by secreats, even when you are all grown up and out of high school. I think if you are doing something and you feel it needs to be a secret than perhaps you ought to check your self. I know this sounds vague and stupid but . Lets just say that someones secret ended up hurting my feelings yesterday.
However what I learned from my experience of being excluded was that it is so important for me to be as inclusive as I can be. There is more than enough attention, energy, love and friendship to go around so I never need to feel like I have to hoard anything. You know I may not be some hippie-dippy new age-er but I have a really good sense of connectedness to other women and I love other women and always want to support my girl friends. When it comes to having a good time everyone is always welcome, less is never more in my book.
OK enough of that crap...totally boring lets move on.

My baby shower was on Sunday and it was really great! All of the people I care about were there and we ate a lot of food and hung out and it was a lot of fun! The best part was when I got the surprise of a life time from Murry, Sarah and Morgan. They got together and got me an Ergo carrier with the newborn insert! I could not believe it because I never even registered for it because it was expensive and I had already put money aside for it. I would never expect my friends to buy me something so expensive. It was a wonderful and exciting gift!! I think I am going to put the money that I was going to spend on the carrier towards a better jogging stroller.

Lets talk about being "bloated"
Before I was pregnant I used to always say "I'm bloated"
Anytime I felt fat I would moan about being bloated. The irony of is that I had no idea what really being bloated was like. I didn't know water retention like I know it now. I was in such great shape and so thin and i thought I was fat all the time. Note to self: In the future when not pregnant and back in shape appreciate body and not complain about phantom bloating.
I never appreciated how thin I was or anything else about my body and now its gone. Well when it comes back I promise not to hate on it
To paint a picture for you about my bloating I will just say that none of my shoes fit. None. I had to go out and buy a pair of Crocks. Yes, crocks...so bad and stupid but the only thing my feet can fit into. I had to wear Crocks to the gym this morning to work out in because not only is tying my running shoes hard but they are too tight now. By the end of the day my feet look like two sponges that are filled with water and have Vienna sausages tied on the ends. Forget about my wedding ring, those are just a memory to me now. I walk around ring-less in the bible belt hoping Christians are looking at my empty left ring finger and thinking I am carrying a bastard child or something.
Don't get me wrong being pregnant has been the coolest thing I have ever done. I never knew what this body could do and now I know. It can make a whole person all on its own with out my interference and then it can feed that person too!! That is pretty impressive if you ask me.
I just want to go on record saying that being a woman is awesome, I am so glad I was born with a vag and not a peeps. (that is vagina and penis for those who choose to use the anatomically correct names)

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