Monday, October 15, 2007

I have an exciting life.

Here is an account of what happened this morning on my drive to work.

I am an animal lover. Meaning that I LOVE ANIMALS, a lot and sometimes (all the time) more than people. I guess I 'm not talking about the people in my lives really, but if you give me a choice between a random person at the mall or a, lets say a cockatoo or a pug, I choose the pug and the cockatool. Actually if given the choice to hang out with a pug or a member of my family, I choose the pug. I would also like to mention that I don't have a pug fixation. I do love pugs but I don't have one, I live with a chug. Petunia is a chichwawa pug mix, hence a chug. I also live with Inky an aging 1olb killing machine, he is a terrier mix and with Otto a 5 year old golden retriever that Teddydigital and I rescued last year. Mr.Big is the cat, I can't say that I "have" a cat because we all know cats don't play that. But he lives in our house and eats the food I put out for him and sleeps in the bed provided for him. I love him and he is the nicest cat one could ever hope to meet. Then there is Bob. Bob is 17 years old and he is a cat that just lives in our neighborhood but he loves to sleep over at my house with Bigs so I consider him one of the crew.

As I was driving to work I saw a young golden retriever hanging on the side of the road with some construction workers. I immediately knew who he was. He lives a few streets over from me and he is forever slipping out of his fence. Once he was out and hidding in the bushes and jumping out on cars and I pulled over and put him back in his yard. Another time I was running with Otto and he started running with us. I corralled him back into his yard and about 4/10ths of a mile later turned around to see him running behind me. I ran him home and tried to see if his owners were home but no one was. So this morning I put my hazards on a called him over to my car. He seemed happy to see me, but had no interest in going into my car. When I got out of my car he ran into the street, then stoped and moseyed around sniffing the pavement while cars came shrieking to a halt honking horns at him. he acted like he didn't even notice the commotion he was causing and instead ran back overt to the construction workers and acted like he was with them.
I wasn't sure what to do because he would not get in my car and I was in the middle of the road. I tried to tell myself that he would be ok with the construction workers and I started to drive away. I knew in my heart that I could not just let him be, I had to do something. I pulled my car down the street and figured I would just get out and walk him home, but when I looked I saw him running down the street after a dachshund I knew I had to go after him. Not to mention that I have morning sickness as well so really I just wanted to puke on him.
I ran to the car and raced down the street and pulled in on a side street that wasn't very busy and lured him over. He came running over and seemed to have forgotten that just moments earlier had tried to lure him into my car. When I tried to hoist him up he collapsed himself , like a passive resistance type of thing and just stared up at me blankly while I held him in my arms. This is a golden retriever by the way, a hefty breed to say the least. Now a crowd was starting to gather because it looked like I hit him with my car and was cradling him in my arms when really I was begging him to just let me put him in my car. Finial after a bunch of people offered to pick him up I just said enough and hoisted him up and tossed him in the car. I drove him back to his house and he jumped back in the fence. His people were not home so I just gave him a stern waring and went to work.
My life is really exciting. More exciting than Chuck Norris even.

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