Friday, August 17, 2007

News Flash..........

Here is a news flash, please pay attention: Counting carbs is so passe. It's sooo 1999. So please when you see me out doing a demo do not ask me how many carbs are in a Crispy Cat. I ain't gonna tell ya. If you're still under the meat industry's spell of "Carbs are bad and protein is good" then you have to lift up the wrapper and check for yourself.

I'm not trying to be a hater but I was bombarded by that question today when I was out doing a demo and quite frankly, it was getting on my nerves. It is just so dumb!! I am perplexed when people are genuinely concerned with carbs. It is such a scam, a total racket! That's why I said the other day that I feel bad for people in this country. It's like everyone is so trusting of the government, of course the meat industry is going to say if you eat more meat you will lose weight and then everyone is like yeah , lets stop eating fruit cause fruit has carbs and carbs make you fat! We hate fruit, fruit sucks! Let's eat a hot dog without the bun instead! For dessert we can have some yummy pork rinds!

Ummm.......News flash #2: If you think fruit makes you fat than you have a lot of other issues you should be looking at other than losing weight. One time a guy told me he was on a no carb diet and that he had not eaten any fruit for 6 years! He was so proud of that, he said it and then pat his rather round and rather hard looking belly. I bet his colon was like tubes of cement.

1 comment:

Gaile said...

I don't care about carbs. I would eat my weight in crispy cats if I could just get them locally. hey, what about that online store? is that happening soon? :)