Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Crispy Cat Candy Bars go to Hollywood!

Guess where the front man and fearless leader of Crispy Cat was this weekend?...at the Emmys! That's right Joel Schantz founder and CEO of Crispy Cat went to the Emmys and rubbed elbows with a ton of clebs including Ben from Lost. Joel is not a Lost fan but Eric and I are so we were super excited to hear about that. We are currently waiting for the disk with all the pictures but when it comes in Stu and I are going to put up the pics for everyone to see! Apparently all the beautiful people in Hollywood love Crispy Cats just as much as the rest of us. Don't worry Asheville we will always love our tried and true hippie fans here at home, after all you are the ones that made us the hot shots that we are today! So check back to see all the pictures of the beautiful models and actresses lovin' on Joel.

On another note we here at Crispy Cat are interested to know how you are finding creative ways to have fun while saving gas. I keep seeing things about people organizing stay at home weeks and other stuff like that and I am curious to know what the creative and eco-aware Crispy Cat fans do. I know you guys do something so what the heck is it?...I'm running out of ideas for stuff to do on the days I am not a work! Just post it in the comments section and I will put it into the blog!

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