Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Hops new deal, Inkys anorexic and Ted ran 34 miles.

For all the people who live in the Asheville area, the Hop is now offering to put Crispy Cats in their ice cream and their vegan ice cream as well. So if you want a Crispy Cat milk shake or a Crispy Cat Sunday you can now get one at the Hop in Asheville. The Hop is where Joel originally started selling the bars. They make great vegan ice cream and other delicious vegan treats. So if you are a local or you come visit us check out The Hop.

On Sunday Teddydigital ran a 34 mile race. I am really proud of him and totally impressed and inspired. I wish I could have been there to see him cross the finish line but the race was 2 hours away and it took him all day to run it. It would have been a LONG day of just sitting there doing nothing and I can only imagine my mood once he finally finished. It would be fowl for sure. When he came home I was laying on the bed feeling sorry for myself. But that washed away when I saw his finishers metal, I just was so excited for him that he did it that I was able to stop the pity party for a few seconds. I sat in the bathroom and timed his ice bath for him and then we went to the store and got a ton of fruit and some cake. All day I had been feeling sort of sorry for myself. I decided to write a book about it called The Lonely Whale. I never thought that pregnancy would make me feel different from my friends but is some ways it has. I'm not in the same place as all my friends who are already moms and I am in a totally other universe from my single friends who aren't married and don't have kids. Not to mention that I can't really stay out late hanging out nor do I want too, because by the end of the day I am totally exhausted. Well, that's life and I wouldn't trade this experience for all the hanging out in the world. Especial when I lay eyes on the cutest baby in the world, one of my due dates is only 19 days away!
So Teddydigital is a brave soul who ran 34 miles in the woods and up hills and through horse poo and near snakes and he made it home in one piece.

This morning I had to take one of my dogs to the vet. Inky is my oldest dog, he was a rescue that I took in when I lived in NYC. He is a tiny little guy about 10 or 12 years old and about 10 lbs. He is so feisty, he will totally attack and kill you over just one look. Well he started doing a weird cough this week and his breathing was labored and it sounded like was about to die. Then when he stopped eating I started to think something was wrong. Not just regular old dog stuff. He is the only dog in the house who gets wet food, he has had some teeth pulled so he can't really chew. When he did not want his wet food I knew it was bad. Especial since Petunia and Otto were freaking out at every meal because Inky would just sit there and not eat his yummy wet food while they had crappy all natural dry food.
So this morning I said eff the gym and took Inky to the vet. Turns out he had congestive heart failure and get this....anorexia!!! WOW I never thought a dog could have anorexia but they totally can and Inky has it. He has always been a really thin dog...I wonder if he looks at his reflection and worries about being fat? Dose he count every chunk of his wet food and write it down and calculate the calories. Is the reason he keeps running up and down the stairs because he wants to lose more weight? He dose have a bad attitude a lot and it could be because he is hungry and freaking out about weighing more than 10lbs perhaps he is trying to diet down to 8lbs? Well I tried to talk to him about it but he was not willing to discuss it, I think I will just give him some space. I am going to buy him some cans of wet cat food. I know he won't be able to resist.
That is a little wrap up of what has been going on.
In short......
1.The Hop is doing cool stuff with Crispy Cats
2. Teddydigital ran 34 miles and lived to tell the tale
3. Inky has an eating disorder and I may have to take him on the show Intervention.

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