Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mary Kate Olsen and my brother's ass

I saw some pictures of the hideous little gal going by the name Mary Kate Olsen today. Can she stop already with the FUR. I don't get how people can still wear fur. Even if you hate animals aren't you embarrassed to walk around wearing something that most people associate with evil? Not to mention that it looks horrible, gross and tacky but then again MK is all of those very things by nature. I just feel so baffled by humans, how can a person not be bothered by the atrocious nature of the fur industry. How can they wear the skins of animals that suffered so horribly and not feel in any way bothered or concerned? I just don't understand, if I see her walking around I am going to yank the fur right off her puny little body and pummel her with it. Lucky for her that she lives in LA and I live in Asheville. I don't actually think a pummeling from fur would really hurt though. Perhaps a pack of wild minks will see her and descend on her and eat what little meat she has on her can only hope.

Update on Tom's bleeding ass:

At approximately 11 am I received a call from my brother Tom about the status of his ass.
Apparently he had just finished working out and called to tell me that he had found a solution to his dilemma. He started his first set of 100 crunches and after 3 or 4 was in agony so he thought perhaps what his ass needed was some sort of lubrication. He said he used some body butter that he had, lubed up his cheeks and was good to go. Tom was able to finish all the crunches sans blood. Good for you Tom for living in the solution instead of the problem.

In other news I am 38 weeks pregnant and ready to have this baby.
My back doesn't hurt that badly today and my mood is not homicidal so that is good. But I need to talk to Joel about putting into place a mouth noise policy in the work place. I can't handle mouth noises right now they send me over the edge. I know......I know......

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