Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Fig strikes back

Today an evil plot to end my life was foiled.
A certain person who works in the warehouse apparently wants me dead.

I won't use his real name, but some folk's call him Fig. I call him a diabolical genius.
Maybe it was all the questions I ask him, or all my annoying requests to change the cartridge in the printer, when we both know I know how to do it. It might have been any number of things, I could speculate all day.

So above my "office" is a storage loft. The Fig decided to do some rearranging of boxes. He piled about a trillion boxes in the loft, stacking them to the sky. All right above my precious and unsuspecting head. Then after this gargantuan effort, he sat back and waited.

What was he waiting for? He was waiting for the freaking ceiling to give and for me to be crushed by an avalanche of boxes. To put it mildily, I would be flattened and smoshed and bloody and dead.

It would certainly look like an unfortunate and unintended accident. Fingers would start pointing and blame would be tossed around and eventually it would probably land on the contractor. He would be publicly shamed and his reputation dragged Thu the mud. All the while the Fig would be enjoying his new question and request free environment. He would have a good laugh as he threw my Martha Stewart cleaning encyclopedia in the recycling bin, thinking himself so clever. After all he was just being pro-active and adhering to good fung shui principals by cleaning up those unsightly boxes.

Luckily, this is not how the story ends.
If you read my last blog you would know all about the evil eye, and how to ward it off. And someone plotting to kill you is definitely the evil eye in action.

The Fig was not able to carry out his plan, someone noticed the buckling ceiling above my desk and intervened.

Anyway, that's what happened in our office today.

1 comment:

the figgum said...

haha. yeah. a plot to kill you. so funny. eh-hem. so, anyway, enjoy your drive home tonight. i hope its "real safe." don't worry about checking your brakes. i'm sure they are fine.