Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More Evil Eye Action

Has anyone seen the blades to Fig's blender?

If you have please let him know. He thinks that I have something to do with their disappearance. He said that I 'm out to get him, which is so silly considering he was the one that tried to kill me! He also said that I just want him to drink coffee and get unhealthy. Then he called me a corporate wench! That Fig has some nerve, I have a lot of things to do here at THT besides hide the blades to the blender. All the bathroom breaks alone take up a good 25% of my day.

And as I am writing this the Fig just said to me " Why don't you get rid of your guitar and get a Hello Kitty guitar." I think this is a witch hunt.
I wish I knew where that blade was because I would throw it in the trash, I wouldn't even recycle it TAKE THAT FIG.

Well, I don't care.

Anyway, that's a little office update. Stay tuned for more how To segments. Like how to make someone think your out get them and How to drive someone to the brink of insanity.


Gaile said...

Hey, I'd love a how to on buying crispy cats up here in bellingham,WA. I was in portland last week and got some at People's coop, and man are those tasty! Now I'm craving 'em! Being gluten free, I don't get to have a lot of yummy treats like those!

the figgum said...

oh, hey, no worries. just because we go through *a lot* more coffee now, and i haven't been able to make a delicious and nutritious smoothie in weeks, its no cause for alarm. someone is obviously just out to get my prostate. thanks a*ne. (what, i didn't use any real names)

okay, so by the way, i think all this animosity toward me from a certain corporate-type community relations officer is due to the fact that i shaved off my mohawk and now she has no hair to straighten at lunch. boo hoo.

no prob with the blender thing, though, i have discovered that annes cell phone works well for mashing bananas and strawberries into mush.