Wednesday, April 23, 2008

World Week For Animals in Labratorys

April 20-26 is world week for animals in labs. What this means to me is that I need to make sure that I am doing what I can to help ease the suffering of animals that are being tortured in labs and make sure I am not indirectly contributing to their suffering.
How can a person help? Well the first thing is to recommit to not buying any products that are tested on animals and this includes products that have ingredients that are tested on animals as well as the finished product themselves. For example some shampoos will claim not to test on animals but will have ingredients in them that are. So technically they don't test but in reality they do. The worst of the worst is Procter and Gamble. If a person can just avoid those products it would make a huge difference. Sometimes its hard to know what is P&G and what is not with Procter and Gamble they make so many things. The best thing to do is go on to P.E.T.A 's website and go to the compassionate living guide to see all the things that Procter and Gamble make, its a lot.

I won't go into the gory details of animal testing because if you read this blog you probably already know what they do. But if you need a little extra convincing or motivation check out the Huntingdon life Science laboratory. Honestly, if I get into what happens at that place I will be distraught all day and probably start crying at my desk. When ALF Support became our myspace friend the the things that are on their page were truly some of the worst things I have ever seen. Their whole page is about Huntingdon Life Sciences and the kind of suffering that happens there. The things that they do to dogs and cats, monkeys,bunnys and rats, once you see the pictures they will haunt you forever. I saw some images on that myspace page that if I think about them I start to cry. I just feel so grateful that there are people out there that are so brave that they go into those labs and rescue the animals there.

P.E.T.A's website is the best place to get information on what is safe to buy and what is not.

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