Monday, July 2, 2007

Prank calls are a lost art.

I normally don't do this blog until the end of the day. I usually need the entire day to pass by until I have something good enough to document. However, when I came into work this morning I had plenty to work with within 5 minutes of being in the office.

First there was a grotesque picture sitting on my desk, a real stomach turner. Someone took the camera on the Mac and stuck it right up in their face, near their nose and took a picture. Then printed it out and wrote "look up my nose" with a sharpie and stuck it on my desk. How juvenile, I don't think I need to mention who would do this sort of thing. (He is my arch nemesis and he will stop at nothing.) I guess what he doesn't know is that at one point in my life I was an aspiring colon hydro-therapist, so looking up a nostril is no big deal, relatively speaking.

As I was recovering from being forced to look at the mucus membrane of a special co-worker, I noticed the voicemail light flashing.

OK, I want to give the person who left the message credit for trying to bring back the lost art of the prank call, but it was really lame. I think at some point I will do a "how to" on prank calls, but for now lets take an analytical look at this one. Hopefully the person who left the message will read this and can use this as a learning experience. A teachable moment if you will. Here is the exact message that was left.

Yo Hippie
I want some Tree Huggin' Treats for my horse
Can you get me that? Call me back at 1-800-horse. bye

On a scale of 1-10 I give this prank call a 2.
Let me break this down for you my equine loving friend.
First of all your prank call lacks several crucial key elements.
The 3 C's of prank calling are Creativity, Confidence, and Courage.
I'm sorry but this call lacks all 3.
The body of this call is not very creative, I mean, calling for horse treats ? Come on, with a little more effort I'm sure you could have though of something better.
As for confidence, the callers voice was shaky and nervous, a dead give away that this caller was no pro.
And the final nail in the coffin was that the caller totally lacked courage. A good prank call takes balls and this person left the message at 10:45 at night, a time that they knew the office would be empty. The number showed up as unavailable, but I won't take points off for that, blocking your number is standard.

Overall I was disappointed in the call. I myself used to love prank calling as an adolescent. And I will admit I still prank call my friend April at the day spa where she works from time to time. I can get more into that when i do the "how to". Those prank calls are more advanced and are not intended for the inexperienced.

I would invite this person to go ahead and try again, at least they tried, even if it wasn't very good. And for the record I am not a hippie. So I'll give props for button pushing. That would bump the score up from a 2 to a 3.5.

I will do a "how to" on the art of prank calling in the near future.

Stay tuned.


Unknown said...

colon hydro-therapist???
what kind of weirdo are you, anyway??
im so glad there is a wall to seperate our offices, cuz i wouldn't want any of that weirdness to rub off on me. jeez. your kind of people are really screwing up this town. newsflash, heretic: God does not approve of colon hydro-therapy. it is an abomination of the natural order of things.

sneaker pimp said...

I am glad someone out there has not lost touch with the prank phone call. I myself use to indulge in some prank phone calling from time to time during my adolescent years. I remember my girlfriends and I would write scripts and rehearse different scenerios for "the prank phone call." Boy...what a hoot that was...good times...good times. Thank you for bringing me down memory lane.
Oh and by the way, thank you for prank phone calling me. I get so caught up at work that it's nice to have that break in the day with your call. I get such a good laugh and it brings me back to reality.
FYI: This girl is a professional. She called me one day @ work when I was busy and not in the mood for any non-sense. The woman on the other line sounded chinese and was giving me crap about the ad in the mountain express paper. I was getting so worked up and then I heard this little slite (& you'd have to know this girl really well to even catch it) & I realized it was by gal pal pranking me...I laughed for hours. Thanks and keep up the good work!

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